Bright orange spiral staircase viewed from above, symbolizing the 'specialness spiral,' a phenomenon where we assign extra value to unused items, saving them for special occasions.

Are You Stuck In The Specialness Spiral?

How To Avoid Buying Things And Never Using Them

One reason we don’t use the stuff we already bought is a phenomenon called “the specialness spiral.” If we buy something, say a candle, and the first time we have an impulse to light it and we don’t, we imbue the item with additional value. It becomes special. We find ourselves saving things for a special occasion.

Fast forward another year or two. The candle now has no smell. You paid for the item and stored it at home. And because of the specialness spiral, you essentially turned it into a bunch of bananas that over-ripened and had to be thrown out.

Challenge yourself to start using anything you’ve been saving. Have people over! Or don’t. Set the table by bringing out the good china! More and more of my clients are using their inherited “good” silver for everyday flatware there by making a dinner special. So maybe it isn’t polished to the point you can see your reflection in the knife, but hey, we don’t live in Downton Abbey, so no one is keeping track of how shiny your flatware is. Use the silver and love it!

REMEMBER: Use the good stuff! Today is worth celebrating!