Beautiful gray home with a large porch surrounded by green trees and a well-maintained lawn, symbolizing the idea of making your home work as a functional and supportive tool for your life.

Your Home Is A Tool, Make It Work For You!

The Dining Table Tower of Stuff

Your home is a tool that enables you to get out in the world, rested and ready for action, to live the life you want to be living. It has to work for you. If you are eating dinner in front of the TV because you are running a business off the dining table, great! But if you are eating in front of the TV because no one has cleared the dining table for years, we have work to do.

The Panic of Visitors Seeing Your Space

You should be able to send your kids to school on time instead of spending an extra 10 minutes, that you don’t have, scrounging around looking for their homework. You should be able to have friends over to your home without feeling embarrassed by the state of disarray of your living room. You should be able to go to work feeling confident and rested instead of stressed just from trying to pick a clean outfit from your overstuffed closet. If your home is not working for you, it is not being the restful and useful space it is intended to be (or perhaps needs to be).

Make Your Home Work for You

Your home is here to help you eat, sleep, work, and communicate better. If your home is not allowing you to do these things, take five minutes today, a few minutes tomorrow, and make some necessary changes. Put the laundry away, clear the old mail off the dining table, toss the old lotions you don’t use anymore from your bathroom counter. Little by little, you will oil up the machine that is your home and make it start cranking for you again!

If your home isn’t all three things–restful, helpful, and shareable–then on some level, your home is taking energy FROM you, instead of SUPPORTING YOU to live your best life. If your home is not working for you the way that it should be, it might be time to make some changes.