Purpose, love, connection, wisdom, confidence, self-respect, and ease. These are the feelings that make us excited to get out of bed in the morning! But when they’re missing from our lives, these internal magnets get flipped and instead of pulling in what will truly fulfill us, we begin pulling in stuff instead by impulse buying, panic shopping, and binge buying

Clutter is not a superficial problem. It’s an emotional issue that requires an astute solution to help people attain life goals. My clients, readers, and followers who overbuy want to stop overbuying and contributing to their clutter habits, but they don’t know how because they don’t know why they do it. Understanding the clutter magnets is the answer!
Let’s say you’re struggling with the clutter magnet True Connection. You may find it’s easier to say, “I need new shoes” than “I need a friend.” If you suspect you have been using shopping as a substitute for more meaningful human interaction, it’s time to reach outside your comfort zone. Meet new people or engage with the people already in your life! You will find much more fulfillment from the people in your life than a pair of shoes could ever bring you.
Once you identify what your Clutter Magnet is, say it out loud. Come to terms with it, accept it, and remember the stuff you buy can’t love you back or ask you how your day was!!!
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