Bright yellow flowers blooming against a clear blue sky, symbolizing the fresh start of spring and the beginning of decluttering efforts.

Spring Has Sprung, The Decluttering Has Begun!

Everybody is talking about spring cleaning, but what about spring decluttering?? Now that it’s spring, let’s use the change of seasons as inspiration to declutter what we didn’t use in the season that just ended! Spring is a time to start fresh, and what better way to do that than declutter?

Before we get into our Spring Decluttering, we have to establish the difference between decluttering, organizing, and cleaning. These actions are different ways we keep our home in order, and they are all equally important! Decluttering is when you go through your stuff and you get rid of the stuff you don’t need. Organizing is when you take the stuff that is left and you put it in a place where you know you’ll find it, whether it be a bin or a shoebox. Cleaning is cleaning! Wiping off shelves, cleaning baseboards and washing windows. These tasks can become overwhelming when you try to do them all at once. Separate them into three different actions and they will become much more manageable.

Now that we have gone over the difference between decluttering vs. organizing vs. cleaning, you are ready to take on the task that lies ahead! You’ve gotten through winter, and it’s time to take a look at what’s ready to go. Do you have mittens that lost their partner? What about coats that the kids have grown out of? Broken umbrellas? Take some time this month and find what stayed in the depths of the closet and weren’t tough enough to fight the rain and storm outside. Let them go, and get yourself ready for the sunshine that lies ahead.

Once your Spring Decluttering is done, the Spring Cleaning can begin. Set yourself up for success this season, and take things one step at a time. Don’t forget to take the time to breathe and smell the fresh flowers!