Storefront with neon signs in red and blue spelling 'Sale' multiple times, showcasing clothing and shoes on display, emphasizing a Black Friday shopping theme.

How To Avoid The Black Friday TRAP

Every year without fail, my inbox is flooded with capital letters and exclamation marks that scream at me about the best sales that anyone has ever seen. BOGO this, early access that, colorful photos and big text that beg to be clicked on. It seems as though every year companies make it harder and harder to resist the siren song of their sales.

I’m going to let you in on what is truly the best deal and what will help your wallet the most: don’t buy anything! Even if you’re buying something on sale, you are still spending money. The only way you can get a price tag that is 100% off is if you stay home and turn your computer off! You won’t have to deal with the crowds lining up outside of the department stores or any fighting over the last stocked Squishmallow. And the best part of not going shopping on Black Friday- getting to spend another full day surrounded by those you love, not things.

If you haven’t been dissuaded yet and those flashing graphics are still calling your name, here are my tips to keep you uncluttered during the holiday shopping season. First and foremost, make sure you have a budget. Before you even open your laptop or the front door of the mall, know how much you have to spend so that you don’t completely empty the shelves to fill your cart. Your next step is to make a list of everything that you need. Black Friday is the perfect time to splurge on your fancy moisturizer that you use every day but is normally twice the price. If your vacuum broke, now is the time to get a new one! These sales can be a great way to get things that you already need at a reasonable price. This, however, brings me to my next suggestion. Make sure the deal you are getting is really and truly a deal. Some companies will mark up an item so that they can slash it back down and make it seem like you’re getting a great price, but you’re really paying the original price! Do your research and make sure that you’re getting a good deal, and not spending when you don’t need to.

Lastly, a deal is not a deal if you never use it. No matter how much you saved upon purchase, you will have still spent the money while the shiny new air fryer languishes in its box come next Thanksgiving. If you won’t use it, you don’t need to buy it.

Make your budget, make your list, keep your eyes open and your thinking brain turned on. Breathe in, breathe out. I know you can do this.