A cozy setup on a bathtub tray with candles, a cup of coffee, a book, and decorative flowers, creating a serene and indulgent atmosphere.

Every Day is a Special Occasion

With Mother’s Day right around the corner we’re all thinking about how to best celebrate mom. She’s got everything, I mean everything, and you’re really struggling to find something to make her happy. Well, turns out, what moms want most is quality time with their family, and to know that they’re happy. So what better way to celebrate mom than to celebrate yourself, then share those warm fuzzies with her! And don’t forget “mom” comes in many, many forms. Grandmothers, aunties, mentors and the teacher that changed your life!

If you are anywhere near my age you will remember the Saturday Night Live skit with Stuart Smalley and his eternal words of wisdom, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.” It was funny because we do need the reminders.

Is the farthest back section of your closet packed with fancy clothes you never wear? Is there a cupboard in your dining room stacked with a full set of china that never gets used, drawers of fancy linens, and those “nice” candles you always save?

At some point, you decided that you were saving all that stuff for a special occasion, an occasion that never came. So this Mother’s Day, try setting out the nice stuff for her (and you!). Pick out a back-of-the-closet outfit and plan tea together one-on-one, before or after the buzz of brunch. Light one of those fabulous candles for yourself beforehand, and use the fancy bath salts! Answer the door relaxed, having treated yourself to a special morning. Your time together will be better for it, and she’ll love to hear how you’re taking care of yourself.

So use the good stuff! Today is worth celebrating, and you’re worth it! I want you to believe that about your life (and so does your mom ;). Today is worthy of the good soap, the good towels, and the truffle butter. Because you deserve those things, and if you don’t use them, you will waste them. And both would be a huge shame.

If you’re still looking for a gift for mom, remember, gifts have value not by their price tag, but only when used, experienced or cherished. Try giving experiences, not things…donate to her favorite charity or plan a recurring date like a book club just you two!

And for the mom that really does have everything… Try a virtual or in-person decluttering gift session. The dClutterfly approach can help her streamline and simplify in a way that gives her back her space now, and helps her keep clutter at bay moving forward.

Today’s Tracyism: