Close-up of a model brain, symbolizing the concept of decluttering your mind and simplifying mental tasks to reduce overwhelm.

It’s Time to Declutter Your Brain

Do you have too many thoughts clouding your brain? Do you find everyday tasks to be exhausting because there are just too many of them? Take a deep breath and let’s declutter that brain of yours! I have been there and I know exactly what this feels like. Maybe you’re working overtime as well as the other full-time job-caring for your family. I want to give you three of my absolute favorite things that I do to make my day to day life just a little easier.

One way to ease your mental load is to write a shopping list before you go to the grocery store. If you take a few minutes at home to write down what you need, you won’t be panicking in the store about what you have to buy, or if you really did finish off that bottle of soy sauce. Not only is this a good way of keeping your mind clutter free, this is a wonderful way to keep your kitchen clutter free. If you go to the grocery store without a list, you’re going to buy things you already have. You’re going to get sucked into a ‘buy five get one for free.’ Keeping a list of what you need at the grocery store means you’re going to buy what you need, not buying things that you already have, not getting sucked into a sale.

One thing that I did that truly changed my life was getting an alarm clock. I have a terrible habit of constantly checking my phone when I am in bed, so I removed my phone from the bedroom completely! I leave it in the other room and keep the sound turned on in case someone calls and it’s an emergency, but I am not scrolling before bed anymore. It’s crazy how much better I’m sleeping. I am reading a good old fashioned book, going to sleep, waking up in the morning, and turning off that alarm clock. I don’t wake up and immediately pick up the phone and start looking through my emails or looking through the news. This has been the one change that has done the absolute most for me.

If you are still feeling overwhelmed, the biggest piece of advice I can give to you is to schedule time to be a grownup. There is a lot of business around being a grown up, and a lot of that business is not fun. Paying your bills, doing your taxes, making appointments are all terribly draining and let’s be honest – BORING. Unfortunately, these are still things we have to do. Instead of procrastinating and waiting until things pile up, schedule an hour or two a week where you can sit down and focus on the tasks that need to be done. Your to-do list is never going to clear itself, and you will always have things to do, so make sure you make a date with yourself and get it done!

Life can be beyond overwhelming, but taking a few simple steps can make a world of difference. If you make just a few switches, maybe even the three I recommended, the burden will ease even if ever so slightly. And today, that’s enough.

Tracy McCubbin