Bright fireworks illuminating the night sky over a beautifully lit bridge and cityscape, symbolizing a fresh start for a clutter-free 2024.

Clutter No More In 2024!

Happy New Year! Did you make any resolutions this year? I didn’t! I never do because I am unable to stick to them. I tend to have mixed feelings about resolutions. On one hand, they are a great way to get you motivated and to give you that extra push to finally accomplish all of those tasks you keep saying you want to do! However, sometimes they become too ambitious and unattainable. Anyway, why are we always waiting to start our goals? If we want to declutter the kitchen, we should be able to get rid of all of those extra coffee mugs now!

Let’s talk about WHY we wait until January 1st to start our resolutions. Why do we put off cleaning out the garage? Why do we wait to start using that exercise bike we’ve had for months? It’s because of something called The Fresh Start Effect. There is something psychological about starting something on the very first day of the year, something that makes it feel different than starting any other day. For that reason, we push off our goals until the last possible minute, and they become even more daunting.

Now that we’ve dipped our toes in 2024, take a moment to check in with yourself and any goals you made for this year. Did you tell yourself that this was the year you were finally going to bin the closets but realized that you still have no idea where to begin? That’s okay! Rome wasn’t decluttered in a day and neither will your home be. If your resolution this year was to be less cluttered, it doesn’t have to happen all at once. Take 5 minutes a day, or even a week, to tidy up those problem areas and by the end of the year you will realize that you did in fact reach your goal.

Small changes lead to big changes and by 2025, those daily minutes will amount to a monumental outcome.

If you made resolutions for yourself this year, fantastic! If you didn’t, that’s also great! Remember, the best way to do something is the way that works best for YOU.


Tracy McCubbin