Hello my closet crusaders!! A couple of weeks ago we tackled decluttering our closets, and now we can finally get into the nitty gritty of organizing them. Hopefully you were able to shed those extra clothes you don’t wear anymore, and now we can make your closet no longer a pain point. Today, we are going to find a system that works for you so that you can spend your mornings doing what you really want to do, NOT struggling to throw together an outfit because you can’t find your one pair of comfortable and clean jeans.
If you have already decluttered your closet, you should have piles of clothes sorted like with like. If you haven’t, go back to the last post!!! The importance of sorting your clothes into categories is that it is fundamental to an organized closet that will keep it organized. If your clothes are all jumbled up and all of your underwear are in the same overflowing drawer, you’re not going to know what you have. Shirts together, dresses together, pants together. All of a sudden, you’re wondering how you acquired 14 pairs of black pants! Once you organize like with like, you may even realize it’s time for one last round of decluttering.

Once you have your clothes laid out, it is time to put them back in! Personally, I am a big believer in the ROYGBIV closet. It helps me to see the colors I have, all groupled neatly in front of me. Not everyone likes this! I’ll say it once and I’ll say it a hundred times, THE PERFECT ORGANIZING SYSTEM IS ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOU! I like a color coordinated closet, and I like to organize by sleeve length. First tank tops, then short sleeves, then long sleeves. For some people, this is too fine grained. For me and most of my clients, taking the time to color coordinate your closet is the biggest pay off in terms of organizational systems. BUT …if this doesn’t work for you, try a different system! Maybe you want to have it sorted by category; all of your office clothes on one side and your lounge clothes on the other. Try a few different ways and find what works for your closet, and what will be effective for your life. Make sure you have enough hangers that you do not have clothes piling up in places that they shouldn’t, and take your time to fold your clothes so that they aren’t being shoved back into spots that will just get messy again. A little TLC goes a long way!
Your closet is a tool to serve you to get you out the door. If it’s a chaotic and cluttered mess, you’re going to start the day off on the wrong foot. If it’s organized, you can go in, grab what you want to wear, and get out the door stress free. THAT’S the reason you organize your closet. So make sure you start decluttering, then get organizing! You can do it!
Tracy McCubbin
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